Special Thanks:
Special thanks and recognition to few of the many people that have helped me along the way:
My wonderful parents, Billy and Karen Highsmith:
Thank you for your love, support, and encouraging words that I call to hear everyday
My loving church family, Hickory Grove A.M.E. Zion Church & my A.M.E. Zion Church friends:
Thank you for being more than just regular church members, but more like family. I am so grateful for your prayers and kind words to make this journey a little bit easier
My awesome advisor, Dr. Exazevia Logan:
Thank you so much for your patience and helpful advice to keep me focused and on the right track
My brilliant WSSU professors (especially Drs. Farmer, Mathews, Overholt, Bhat, Steed, & Jones):
Thank you so much for sharing in knowledge which allowed me to build a solid foundation
My amazing co-workers at Trinity Elms Assisted Living:
Thank you for your encouragement, and always lending a listening ear, and a helping hand. Teamwork makes the dreamwork!
If I failed to mention anyone who has helped me significantly on this journey, please charge it to my head, not to my heart.