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Evaluation of Biological Literature

Sleep and aging: Sleep Disorders commonly found in older people

Sleep can be broken down into different cycles. Each person should spend a certain amount of time in each cycle; however, as people age, the amount of time spent in each cycle becomes reduced. As people age, their bodies need a less amount of sleep, but they also have a form of sleep disorder. In addition to sleep disorders, they could also have a type of disease that could have an impact on the amount of sleep they obtain. As someone is diagnosed with certain diseases, they are generally prescribed medications which could alter sleep patterns.

Yoga for improving sleep quality and quality of life for older adults

​Being sleep deprived as an older adult can lead to becoming at a higher risk for accidents and falls, which could lower the quality of life for those individuals. Treatment which involves yoga could help not only strengthen muscles, but also improve their mental health and quality of sleep. There would be a greater risk of older adults becoming injured or sore during the yoga process.

Sleep and inflammation

​Not getting enough sleep is linked with changes neurologically and physiologically. Inflammation releases certain hormones to cause an immune response from the body. In addition, inflammation causes sleep disturbances, as well as lack of sleep may cause some inflammation. This affects mainly older adults and the obese population, since they have more cases of inflammation. Diets can affect inflammation by negatively or positively impacting it.

Efficacy of prolonged release melatonin in insomnia patients aged 55-80 years: Quality of sleep and next-day alertness outcomes

Melatonin production decreases as people age; therefore, older adults have a greater chance of becoming sleep deprived. A study was performed on older adults that were given more melatonin over a period of time to enhance their sleep quality. The study also showed that melatonin had a greater positive impact than the placebo. It improved the quality of sleep and the overall well-being of the individuals. Melatonin would have to increase of a period of time if the body becomes immune to the specific amounts.

Impact of physical fitness and daily energy expenditure on sleep efficiency in young and older humans

A study was performed to further investigate the relationship between regular exercise in older adults, and how it effects their sleep patterns. The study was always performed on a group of younger adults to compare the results. After the participants exercised three times during the week, after six months, their physical fitness and sleep patterns were assessed. The six-month intervals may not have given accurate findings of the participants.

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